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A member registered Feb 27, 2023

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Hi @blackdragonbe, Getting a new error, as linked below.

Bug description:

Something went wrong while trying to convert the XFDF data:
Sequence contains no matching element
   at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowNoMatchException()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
   at Five.FiveBackgroundDataLoader.GetBackgroundData(String backgroundName) in U:\Godot\Projects\2022\MPMB_PDF_to_FoundryVTT\CSharp\5eTools\FiveBackgroundDataLoader.cs:line 36
   at MPMB_PDF_to_FoundryVTT.CSharp.Converters.MpmbToFoundryConverter.ConvertCharacterBackground() in U:\Godot\Projects\2022\MPMB_PDF_to_FoundryVTT\CSharp\Converters\MpmbToFoundryConverter.cs:line 558
   at MPMB_PDF_to_FoundryVTT.CSharp.Converters.MpmbToFoundryConverter.Convert(MPMBCHaracterData mpmbCharacterData, FoundryCharacterData foundryTemplateData, MainWindow mainWindow) in U:\Godot\Projects\2022\MPMB_PDF_to_FoundryVTT\CSharp\Converters\MpmbToFoundryConverter.cs:line 47
   at MainWindow.LoadXFDFFromTextAsync() in U:\Godot\Projects\2022\MPMB_PDF_to_FoundryVTT\CSharp\MainWindow.cs:line 346

Application version: 1.1.5

PDF version: v13.1.11+231115 - MPMB's Character Record Sheet (v13.1.11) [Printer Friendly - Redesign]

Foundry D&D 5e system version: 2.4.0

XFDF link:

Can this be looked at when you can? Cheers.

Hello @BlackDragonBE. Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy with non-D&D things, and have been unable to game since this discussion, due to everyone in my gaming group being busy.

(1 edit)

Not sure if it's an ID10T error or some such. In importing my json files, it does not seem to import race, house ruled changes or custom wild shape forms. If its a matter of converting the relevant house rules to foundry compatible, could you advise if this is the case?

Hi @blackdragonbe, Getting a new error, as linked below.

Bug description: Index and length must refer to a location within the string. (Parameter 'length')

Application version: 1.1.4

PDF version: v13.1.5+230403

Foundry D&D 5e system version: 2.1.5

XFDF link:

MPMB to FoundryVTT Actor Log:

Can this be looked at when you can? Cheers.

Cheers for that.

(1 edit)

Similar error, as far as I can tell. Log is error @ Has just the dnd5e version 2.1.5 game module enabled, nothing else, on a freshly created world.

Importing the XFDF of the monk into an updated MPMB to FoundryVTT app works, and the 5 characters I exported work in dnd5e version 2.0.3, but not dnd5e version 2.1.5. So I can use that particular version for now until it's looked out.

(1 edit)

Is there an option to select when exporting the JSON to change between 2.0.3 and 2.1.5? I'm still getting an Uncaught (in promise) Error: undefined. Actor5e Model Validation Errors when importing into 2.1.5.

  • Bug description: Upon import of exported file into FoundryVTT v10.291 with dnd5e system version 2.1.5, getting an Uncaught (in promise) Error: undefined. Actor5e Model Validation Errors.

Another bug report, not sure if you want it in this thread, just what I've collected today.

  • Bug description: Upon trying to convert a monk with access to SRD material only, the MPMB to FoundryVTT app throws an exception.
  • Application version: 1.1.1
  • PDF version: 13.1.4 - Printer Friendly - Redsign
  • XFDF link:
  • MPMB 2 FoundryVTT Log File link:

Further investigation to this, importing from the app seems to be broken on the dnd5e system version 2.1.5, but works in 2.0.3. Seems like there were more breaking changes between dnd5e system versions 2.0.3 and 2.1.5. Can this be looked at?

(1 edit)
  • Bug description: Upon import of exported file into FoundryVTT v10.291, getting an Uncaught (in promise) Error: undefined. I do have some custom content that I have coded in separate JS files, and they don't seem to cause an error in Acrobat upon their import, at least according to the MPMB sheet throwing an error upon import.
  • Application version: 1.1.1
  • PDF version: 13.1.4 - Colorful - A4
  • XFDF link:
  • Log File link:

Fair enough, I misunderstood what was meant by "merge an existing FoundryVTT character with a MPMB character!" I thought it could go from FoundryVTT back to the MPMB sheet.

All good though. I'm still weighing up options regarding mine and my players characters, they are currently on Beyond, but I recently cancelled my sub for that, so I don't have access to the content I was previously subscribed to for character data. I have backed up the character data as json before doing so, and I'm coding the js file to enable the data to be imported into the MPMB sheet, with help from the MPMB discord.

I'll speak with my players regarding this, you could have a new purchase in the coming days. And I should ask, this is a module for Foundry, correct? Or is it a separate application that is run on windows / linux

Is it possible to use this to merge a DND Beyond imported sheet (that uses DND Beyond homebrew, and uses the Beyond Import module to import) to a MPMB sheet, that doesn't have the homebrew in the sheet's js? I understand if this is outside the scope of this project, I'm looking for a solution so I can remove my and my players dependance on Beyond, and this would be erfect if so.